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A Sample of Pop’s “Bee” Images

Tuliptree Blossom with Guest

Another Day at Work

Apis Workers' Party


Some of Your Beeswax

Sedum Bumbler

Look of Defiance

Chicory Bee

Bumbling Bees

Garden Cafe

Buzz By Here - To Infinity and Beyond

Pick Your Poison

Blind Side Attack

On a Mission

Honey Bee on Sedum

Covering the Cosmos

Center of the Cosmos

Three's a Crowd

Popular Spot

On A Pedestal

A Sample of Pop’s “People” Photo Collection

Big Harry Fireworks Display

To Impress the Girl

Different Perspective

Sweet Ride

Perfect Little Piggies B&W

Flipping the Light Fantastic

Festival of Flights

To the Crowd's Delight

Amish Go Round

Wondersome One

The Stars In Her Eyes

Tuesday's Child

Sleeper Hold

Considering the Next Move

Sugar and Spice

Front Porch Portrait

Caged Competitor

Early Adoration

Child In the Ligtht

Stroll Through the Weeds

Attention Grabbing

Eye Contact

On the Line

Eyes of Wonder

Rounding the Curve

Troubadours of Basin Spring Park

Down by the Creek

Sun Day

Catching Some Light

EAA Fireworks

Hear Me Roar

Crane Down

Sandhill Crane, Crane, Bird, Nature,
A sandhill crane seems to have found a green spot to rest.  It was struggling to walk, due to some injury to its right leg and dropped to this stance for a short while.

Though sandhill cranes are plentiful in our area, I’ve had a difficult time getting a good photo of any.  They are particularly shy and head for the hills whenever I attempt to get close enough for a decent photo. I spotted this one out my back window one morning as I was preparing to go to work.  I could only see its head and upper body because it was behind the mound of grass it eventually rested on, as seen here.

When I first saw it, it was bobbing its head and hopping around with a flutter of its wings.  It’s early spring so I thought it was some kind of mating dance going on.  Of course, I ran for my camera.  When I returned, it had made its way up the mound and I could see that its bob, hop and flutter was the result of some kind of painful leg injury.  It was limping on it’s right leg and the herky-jerky motions, as it hobbled, to take some of the weight of its leg. After limping to this spot, at the top of the mound, its long legs buckled and it plopped into this position where it remained for several minutes.  I closely looked at some of the other photos I took, while it was standing, and I didn’t notice any malady with the right leg other than the joint seemed to be larger.

When it eventually got back on its feet, it limped around a little until it reached down and ate a huge night crawler it found in the grass.  A few moments later, another sandhill crane flew in and landed nearby and this one took to the air, flying off across the farm field and beyond the woods.

As I mentioned, these birds are shy – at least all the ones I’ve encountered.  I was only able to get this image by shooting out the not-so-clean window of my garage.  Even then, I was keeping myself hidden as much as I could; shooting at the edge of the window frame.  I’m sure, if I would have attempted to get outside for a better vantage point, the bird would have been off at the slightest sound of the door opening.

I also got a few photos of the second sandhill crane that came just before this one flew away.  I’ll post it sometime in the near future.

You can view a larger, more detailed version of this image by clicking on the photo.

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