Look of Innocence
Of Tulips Past
These tulips have long past, but their memory lives on in digital form. Long live the tulips!
As you can see from the cropped, color image of this same stand of tulips on the right, they were two-toned in color – not your typical red or yellow. Ironically, I thought the unique, contrasting colors made them good candidates for a monochrome treatment.
To me, the detail in the petals are much more interesting in a higher contrast B&W. In fact, I think this would make an impressive, large print. May have to do that.
To see more of the detail in the top image, click on it and a larger version will open in new browser tab.
Grassland Lighthouse
In a few moments, the sun will rise in the middle of this image. Before the blinding light breaches the horizon, the clouds create a dramatic background.
I’ve taken countless photos of this lighthouse and decided to take a lower angle. I lowered my tripod to just a foot or so above the ground – shooting through the beach grass.
To view a larger version of this image, simply click on the photo.
Homestead Fog
Graceful End
The delicate dandelion blossom in its last stages. The dandelion, like other members of the Asteraceae family, has very small flowers collected together in a composite flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret.
It seems every photographer has a dandelion photo…and this is mine. They do make interesting subjects.
To see more of the delicate details, click on the image.
Opening Ceremony
Early spring gives us some of it’s first blooming beauty on the trees. This bunch of blossoms, was part of springtime’s opening ceremony. They were perfectly position at the end of a low hanging branch, discovered on a walk through a local wooded area.
I decided to take on the challenge of processing these as a monochrome image. Since they were white flowers, it proved to be more of a challenge than I bargained for. It’s difficult to maintain any kind of detail with all that white.
To get a better view, click on the image.
Light and Dark – Inspirational
Epic Spiral Stairway
Things are looking up. (Well, I was, anyway.) This is a view of a unique spiral stairway with my wife and son looking down at me. (Probably thinking, “Can we go now? How many more pictures are you going to take?”)
These are photos I took a couple of years ago as we toured the company my son works for – Epic in Verona, WI. They specialize in software for the medical industry. They have a very cool campus with buildings that tend to be theme oriented, accented with unique architecture, sculpture and artwork. Plenty of cool stuff to point a camera at.
All these images are looking up at the same stairway from different angles.
View a larger version of any of these photos just by clicking on them.
1 + 1 = 3
A mother and father’s wedding rings look huge when placed on the toes of their newborn son.
During our first photo op, our son and daughter-in-law placed their wedding rings on the toes of Samuel – their first child, our first grandchild. Sammy was 1 week old at the time of this photo.
See a larger version of this image by clicking on it.
Lower Level Sprites
The sprites have their own interpretative dance party at the bottom of a lighted stairway on the campus of Epic in Verona, Wisconsin.
This photo was taken as we toured the huge Epic campus – led by our son, who works for the major software company. Epic is the world leader in software for mid-size and large medical groups, hospitals and integrated healthcare organizations.
To view a larger version of this image, click on it.