A Sample of Pop’s “Bee” Images

Tuliptree Blossom with Guest

Another Day at Work

Apis Workers' Party


Some of Your Beeswax

Sedum Bumbler

Look of Defiance

Chicory Bee

Bumbling Bees

Garden Cafe

Buzz By Here - To Infinity and Beyond

Pick Your Poison

Blind Side Attack

On a Mission

Honey Bee on Sedum

Covering the Cosmos

Center of the Cosmos

Three's a Crowd

Popular Spot

On A Pedestal

A Sample of Pop’s “People” Photo Collection

Big Harry Fireworks Display

To Impress the Girl

Different Perspective

Sweet Ride

Perfect Little Piggies B&W

Flipping the Light Fantastic

Festival of Flights

To the Crowd's Delight

Amish Go Round

Wondersome One

The Stars In Her Eyes

Tuesday's Child

Sleeper Hold

Considering the Next Move

Sugar and Spice

Front Porch Portrait

Caged Competitor

Early Adoration

Child In the Ligtht

Stroll Through the Weeds

Attention Grabbing

Eye Contact

On the Line

Eyes of Wonder

Rounding the Curve

Troubadours of Basin Spring Park

Down by the Creek

Sun Day

Catching Some Light

EAA Fireworks

Hear Me Roar


Pure Algoma

Lighthouse, Harbor, Algoma, WI, Wisconsin, Lake Michigan, Blue
The Algoma lighthouse and pier present a welcome sight to shore-side visitors and, more important, the watercraft entering and departing the small Lake Michigan harbor.

This image doesn’t contain the dramatic sunrise elements usually seen in my photos of the Algoma lighthouse.  I was there at the break of dawn, hoping for a dramatic sunrise, but it never materialized.  Still I like this photo for the clear, clean feel of the blue water and sky…with a hint of sunrise pink on the horizon.

You can get a larger view of this image by clicking on the photo.  When you do, a full-screen version will open in a new browser tab.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Beyond the Harbor

Sunrise, Algoma, WI, Lake Michigan, Clouds, Harbor
This is a panoramic view at the mouth of the harbor at Algoma, WI; on the western shore of Lake Michigan.

A couple of weeks ago I set out to capture a sunrise, but as you can see, the sun was blocked by the thick clouds on the horizon.  The best feature of the morning were the lighter clouds, highlighted by the hidden sun, that filled the sky above.

To capture this wide-angle view, I took four separate photos and combined them for the final image you see here.

I don’t often post panoramic images because of the width limitations of most websites, including my own.  To get the best view of this one, you should click on the photo.  When you do, a larger version will open in a new browser tab.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Not Ready to Wake

Sunrise, Lighthouse, Lake Michigan, Algoma, WI, Blue hour, Morning
With the sun trying to break through in the background, the Algoma lighthouse and piers seem content to sleep in a little longer. Lake Michigan seemed just as reluctant to rise and greet the day.  (Algoma, Wisconsin is located on the western shore of Lake Michigan.)

Take in more of the beauty by clicking on the photo.  When you do, a larger, full-screen version will open in a new browser window.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Icing On the Lake

Ice, Cold, Winter, Lighthouse, Sunrise, Kewaunee, WI, Lake Michigan
When temperatures drop on Lake Michigan, the ice begins to form and coat anything it contacts.

This is a sunrise view of the lighthouse and pier at Kewaunee, WI – on the western shore of Lake Michigan.

That rock in the foreground isn’t actually a rock. It is an ice formation created by snow/ice breaking away from the shore and being trapped in the ice a few feet from shore.

You can view the detail in this image by clicking on the photo.  When you do, a full-screen version will open in a new browser tab.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Orange Plush

Sunrise, Sunset, Lighthouse, Orange, Clouds, Lake Michigan
The sky looked more like soft, flowing fabric above the Kewaunee, Wisconsin lighthouse, on the western shore of Lake Michigan.

This image was captured in early December of last year. (2014)  I stumbled upon it while looking for another image in my archives.  I thought it was worth sharing.

This is a slightly different perspective of the Kewaunee lighthouse than you’ll normally see in my posts.  This is from the north side of the pier.  Most of the time, I’m shooting from the south side.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Sudden Outburst

Lighthouse, Algoma, WI, Sunrise, Sunburst, Lake Michigan
I had the opportunity to capture a sunrise in Algoma last Saturday. Low clouds couldn’t hold back the morning sun as it rose over Lake Michigan, beyond the lighthouse and pier.

There have been few days, recently, where the sky hasn’t been overcast and grey. There have been fewer days when I’ve had the time to get out and shoot.

This is an HDR image – where I combined five different exposures of the same shot to provide a greater dynamic range.

You can view this image in a larger, more detailed version by clicking on the photo.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Preview of Coming Attractions

Lighthouse, Algoma, Sunrise, Sunset, Wisconsin, Beauty, Landscape
The true magic happens just before the sun breaks the horizon. It usually only lasts a few moments, but it’s worth the effort to catch it. This magical moment arrived behind the Algoma, Wisconsin lighthouse and pier, on the western shore of Lake Michigan.

You can view a larger, more detailed version of this image by clicking on the photo. When you do, a new browser tab will open and fill most of the screen.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Peace Unto You

Lighthouse, Harbor, Wisconsin, Lake Michigan, Sunrise, Clouds, Blue
A beautiful September, Lake Michigan sunrise as viewed from the Algoma, Wisconsin harbor.

This is actually three individual photos I “stitched” together to make a wider, panoramic view.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to catch a nice sunrise behind the Algoma lighthouse.  When I looked out the window and realized the sky might be cooperative, I packed up and headed out.  I got there just in time and get several good images.  Watch for more in the future.

To view a larger, more detailed version of this image, click the photo and another browser tab will open.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Winter Convention

Canada Goose, Canada Geese, Winter, Cold, Ice, Blue, Flock
The geese were thick as thieves as they congregated on the December ice covering the harbor at Kewaunee, WI. These are wild, Canada geese.

The early morning light provided an interesting quality to this scene…which I enhanced further, taking a little artistic licence.

This is one of those photos that greatly benefits from viewing the larger version. To see the full-screen size, click on it.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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Morning Smoke Signals

Lighthouse, Algoma, WI, Sunrise, Lake Michigan
The dark, wispy clouds reminded me of puffs of smoke hanging over the Algoma, Wisconsin lighthouse and pier. This view was photographed last Sunday morning just before the sun emerged from behind the bank of low clouds to rise over Lake Michigan.

As always, I encourage you to click on the photo here to view a larger version in a new browser tab.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.

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