Lake Michigan
Big Red
This fireworks burst turned the water red. This was part of the 26th annual Shanty Days celebration in Algoma, Wisconsin – on the western shore of Lake Michigan.
The fireworks are launched from the pier and people line the shore to watch the fun. As you can see, I was positioned on the beach, at the waters edge. If you’re familiar with the area, you might recognize the Algoma lighthouse – it’s that little red dot on the far right of the photo, just above the water.
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Shroud of Clouds
Fireworks Abound
Algoma, Wisconsin celebrated their 26th Annual Shanty Days Festival last weekend. Every year, the festival concludes with a fireworks display over the Algoma harbor.
I was on the beach with my camera and this is one of my favorite shots from the evening. It’s the blue effect coming up from the pier that makes this my favorite.
As I thought about it, I’m not sure if they planned this. I think it’s possible the blue burst was a rocket that never left the launch pad. Of course, I could be entirely wrong. Whether it was intended or accidental, it turned out pretty cool.
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Summer Escape
Algoma, Wisconsin may be the perfect summer port. This is a view of the sun rising over Lake Michigan behind the lighthouse and piers that form the harbor at Algoma.
I snapped this photo the Sunday morning of Algoma’s 26th annual Shanty Days Festival weekend. Don’t miss the the fishing boat in the harbor, heading out for the morning’s catch.
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Lighthouse Companion
A full moon rising over Lake Michigan was a complimentary, short-term companion to the lighthouse at Kewaunee. Moments after this image was taken, the moon slipped behind some clouds. Kewaunee, Wisconsin is located on the western shore of Lake Michigan.
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Kewaunee Lighthouse at Sunrise
This is one of my earliest photos. It was taken with a primitive (by today’s standards) consumer-grade,5mp digital camera. It was capturing photos like this that made me want to take more.
I was going fishing in on Lake Michigan in my canoe, putting in from the beach at Kewaunee. When I arrived, before sunrise, this is the scene I found. The clouds had such an unusual quality I decided to try and get a photo. There wasn’t much light and I didn’t have a tripod, so to steady the camera I held it on top of a post by the parking lot. As you can see, that worked well.
I don’t remember if I caught any fish that day, but I will always remember that sky. By the way, I wasn’t the only one there to fish that morning. If you look close, you can see two fishermen on the end of the pier.
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Amber Waves
Fishing Report
I was on the beach at Kewaunee, Wisconsin, taking photos of the lighthouse at sunrise. (Watch for that photo to be posted soon.)
I noticed the sun beginning to rise over the pier and started to take photos of it. Then I noticed two people walking along the pier, toward the sun, one from each direction. The two met and began talking. I moved my camera to frame the two in the orb of light from the rising sun behind them.
The two were fisherman – you can see one with a landing net and rod in his hands. I imagine they were discussing the recent fishing activity on the pier, like if any had been caught this morning, what they were biting on, how big they were…etc.
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Supraliminal Sunrise
su·pra·lim·i·nal adj \ˌsü-prə-ˈlim-ən-əl, -ˌprä-\
1: existing above the threshold of consciousness
2: adequate to evoke a response or induce a sensation <a supraliminal stimulus>
The sun is rising over the Kewaunee, Wisconsin lighthouse and pier – located on the western shore of Lake Michigan.
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Rising Above
This is the lighthouse at the end of the pier in Kewaunee, WI. The sun rising over Lake Michigan created some unusual tones on this morning – due, I believe, to the low, thicker clouds that muted the light on the horizon.
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