A Sample of Pop’s “Bee” Images

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A Sample of Pop’s “People” Photo Collection

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South Dakota

Prickly Poppy

Poppy, Prickly Poppy, Flower

This was a delightful find!  This is a prickly poppy.  I didn’t know this type of flower existed until I found this one by happenstance.

On our recent trip to Custer State Park in South Dakota, we had pulled over in the area of a small prairie dog town.  As I was trying to get some good photos of the prairie dogs, I noticed this white flower.  It was the only one in that area.  I believe I found this particular bloom at its peak.  We have poppies at our home in northeast Wisconsin but they are the large, redish-orange variety that have a very short blooming period in early spring.  Finding this delicate white flower on a prickly plant blooming in late summer was a nice surprise.

From the little I was able to find online, the prickly poppy is a beautiful wildflower that lives for only one growing season. It grows naturally in sandy, dry areas. New plants grow from seed produced the previous year. The papery white flowers bloom throughout the summer.  The plant has blue-green leaves and the stems are covered with sharp spines.

You can get a better view of the details in this flower image by clicking on the photo.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

A Night at Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore, Night, South Dakota

On our trip to South Dakota’s Black Hills, we visited Mount Rushmore.  We were sure to plan our visit for early evening so we could take part in the nightly program and lighting ceremony.  This photo was taken as we exited the Memorial.

The rows of flags leading to the monument were flags of the states and territories of the United States.  The evening ceremony and historical program they present is well worth the time. The only charge is a $10 parking fee. ($5 for seniors and free for military and veterans.)

I took a lot of photos of Mount Rushmore from various locations at the monument and around the area. You’ll see them posted here…in time.

Of course, the photo was taken in the dark and contains a boat-load of digital noise. I did my best to remove what I could but I could only do so much. (I might have to try harder.)

You can view a larger version of this photo by clicking on the image.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

Yellow Mounds of the Badlands

Yellow Mounds, Badlands, South Dakota

This is a panoramic view of South Dakota’s Badlands National Park.  This was taken in the Yellow Mounds area of the park. This is another one of those “otherworldly” places.

This is a very large image and the normal size screen can’t begin to do it justice.  Still, you can get a much larger, full-screen view by clicking on the image.  When you do a much larger version will open in a new browser tab.  Enjoy!

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

Cute Deery Ears

Mule Deer, Deer, Doe RestingI found this gentle soul resting in the grass on a hillside at Badlands National Park in South Dakota.  This is a mule deer doe.

This wasn’t my first glimpse of her.  We saw her while on a hike through some rugged terrain – the Notch trail.  That trail ends on a bluff, overlooking a valley.  The doe and her fawn were grazing the grasses below us.  (Zoomed in photo on left.)Deer, Mule Deer, Doe, Fawn

Shortly after, we were hiking another trail and I caught a glimpse of her while climbing some wooden stairs.  She was still and quiet, as you see here here, and I almost missed her.  She remained quiet and watched while I took photos from a couple of angles on the trail stairs.  A few steps farther up and I saw her fawn resting in the shade. (Photo on the right.) The fawn was difficult to see and take a photo of because it was in some brush.

We have pleFawn, Mule Deernty of white tail deer in the area of Wisconsin where we live.  As far as I know, we don’t have any mule deer. This was a fun find.  I am most intrigued by the abundance of hair in their ears.

You can get a larger, more detailed look at the doe by clicking on the photo. When you do, a larger image will open in a new browser window.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

Path of Least Resistance

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Waterfall

This is a smaller waterfall at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  The main, larger collection of flowing water is to the right of this view.  (See my previous post: The Falls at Sioux Falls)

A lot more dramatic water is flowing from the main falls (out of frame, to the right of this view) but I prefer this image.  I like the way the water makes it’s path to the river, coursing around and over the rocks in the foreground.

You can view a larger, more detailed view of this waterfall by clicking on the photo.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.


Badlands, Wide-Angle, Sky

This is a wide-angle view of the unique landscape found at Badlands National Park in South Dakota, USA.

I took a different approach to this image.  Using a fisheye, wide-angle lens, I was able to squeeze a lot of geography into the frame.  Normally to see this view, you would have a much wider image.  (Compare my previous post of a similar landscape.) This particular lens also adds a curvature to the horizon.

To view more of the details crammed into this image, click on the photo to see a larger version.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

Beware of Bruno – Prairie Guard Dog

Prairie Dog, Bison, Bufflo

Don’t miss the little guy on the mound.  This prairie dog seemed to take an aggressive stance; preparing to defend his huge, fluffy friend in the background.

Of course, if you advanced on him, he would quickly dart into his hole. This is clearly not my greatest image but I share it because makes me smile.  It was captured on our recent visit to Badlands National Park in South Dakota.  This was actually taken at one of the entrances of the park where several Bison happened to be hanging out near the road – and, at least, one vicious prairie dog. It was late in the day.

You will see a lot more photos from the Badlands in the future.

If you’d like to get a better look at this one…and Bruno…click on the photo and a larger version will open in a new browser tab.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

Big Badlands Overlook

Pano, Badlands, This was our first view of the amazing scenery at Badlands National Park in South Dakota. This observation point is known as the Big Badlands Overlook.  This was our first visit to the Badlands and it was stunning, to say the least.

This is a very large image, created by stitching 6 individual photos together.  It is so large that it is hard to take it all in.  To get a sense of the grandeur, you need to view the largest version your screen will allow.  Simply click on the photo and a large version will open in a new browser tab.  Take your time and browse the image.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

Dignity – of Earth and Sky

Statue, Sculpture

On our way to the Badlands we found Dignity.  This is a 50-foot stainless steel sculpture to honor the cultures of the Lakota and Dakota people.

The full title of the sculpture is “Dignity: of Earth and Sky.”  You can find Dignity on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River near Chamberlain, South Dakota at a rest area off of Interstate 90.  You can read more of the interesting facts and story behind this beautiful work of art by reading an article i found on Wikipedia.

You may be able to see a larger version of this image by clicking on the photo.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.

The Falls at Sioux Falls

Waterfall, Sioux Falls

These are the water falls you will find in the center of South Dakota’s largest city – Sioux Falls. They created a very nice park along the river that feeds the falls. It seems to be the hub of many activities.

I was able to grab this and a few other nice images of these falls while on a recent visit.

You can view a larger, full-screen version of this image by clicking on the photo.

All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me ( for digital purchase and licensing options.