Autumn Foliage
Autumn Leaf Salad
The beauty of last autumn seems like a distant memory. Thankfully, we still have a record of the colorful leaves. This view, from the forest floor, offers a variety of color, shape and texture. This photo was taken on October 18, 2014.
You can get a better view of the fine detail in this image by clicking on the photo.
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Woodland Litter
The fallen leaves are almost as beautiful on the ground as they were on the trees. I’m glad I didn’t have to rake this clearing in the woods.
To view a larger version of these fall colors, click on the photo.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Fall In the Creek
A serene scene of natural beauty. Colorful autumn leaves blanketed the ground and floated by on a gently flowing Wisconsin woodland stream.
This is an image from last fall in the woods across the field from our home. A very peaceful, highly enjoyable morning in the woods.
You can view a lager, more detailed version of this image by clicking on the photo
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Inclined to Fall
This fall scene was spotted in the waning days of a Wisconsin autumn…the days when more leaves were on the ground than on the trees.
To view more of the detail in this image, click on the photo and a larger version will open in a new browser tab.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Ending On A High Note
When this photo was made, most of the leaves in the forest had fallen. These red leaves were some of the last hold outs. Even though their days were numbered, they were making the most of their time…going out in dramatic fashion…in a blaze of red.
You can view a larger version of this image by clicking on the photo.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Autumn Remnants
Some of the final remnants of the autumn of 2014. This fall arrangement was found, perfectly lit, on a hike through woods not far from our rural Wisconsin home.
To view more of the fine detail in these leaves, click on the photo and a larger version will open in a new browser window.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Golden Splay
I remember taking this picture and thinking, “Why did I snap that?” Looking at it now, I’m glad I did. The colors and the lines just draw me in. It may be the kind of photo that only I appreciate, but there’s something about this image that is very pleasing to my eye.
This is an image I wish I could show you on a 60-inch screen. It looks so much better larger. I can’t give you a 60-inch view but you can view a larger version by clicking on the photo.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Fall Ferns
Surrounded by the obvious evidence of Autumn, these woodland ferns endeavor to maintain their summertime green.
You can view a larger, more detailed version of this image by clicking on the photo.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Autumn Safety Net
These autumn leaves found a final resting place in the branches of an evergreen tree. I love the colors of fall.
You can view this image in greater detail by clicking on the photo. That will open a larger version in a new browser tab.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.
Red Leaf Landed
On its way down, this red maple leaf got a helping hand from a sturdy branch. Photographed in the woodlands of northeast Wisconsin.
This image looks so much better when viewing the larger version. To see it, click on the photo.
All of the photos I post are available for purchase. If you’d like to buy one, click on the blue “Buy this Online” bar below for a variety of print and frame options or contact me for digital purchase and licensing options.